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Version: Beaver Themer 1.4

Event Title module

The Event Title module is based on the Beaver Builder Heading module and displays an events title by automatically connecting the [wpbb post:title] field connection.


The Event Related Events module appears in The Events Calendar section of the Themer modules group in the Content Panel when you're editing a Singular-type Themer layout.

General tab​

The General tab contains the following fields.

  • Heading The [wpbb post:title] field connection is automatically connected to the Heading setting to display the event title. You can disconnect the field connection and insert if you want to enter text, basic HTML tags (such as a <br> tag), or a Beaver Builder shortcode.

  • HTML tag Select the heading level (H1, H2, etc.). This automatically inserts the correct heading tags into the rendered page.

  • Link Add a URL if you want the heading to contain a live link. Click Select for assistance in creating the URL to another page on your site.

Style tab​

The Style tab contains the following settings.

  • Color Default heading color is usually specified in the theme, but you can choose a custom color here.

  • Typography section This is the standard Beaver Builder Typography section, with settings for the font family, weight, size, spacing, and so on.

The Advanced tab​

There are all the usual Advanced tab settings for margins, visibility, animations, and advanced HTML settings.