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Version: Beaver Themer 1.4

Themer locations reference

When you create a Themer layout, you specify a location and a location scope for where the layout will apply. This article lists and describes the locations and scopes.

This can be confusing because of vague semantic boundaries of terms used for websites and WordPress. For example, the word "page" can refer to the WordPress Page template, which is actually a post type in WordPress architecture, or it can refer to site pages without regard to what WordPress post type they are.

The following information uses lower case "page" when referring to any website page, regardless of WordPress type, and it uses title case "Page" and "Post" when referring to specific WordPress post types. The acronym CPT refers to Custom Post Type, and it includes both CPTs that you create yourself and CPTs created by plugins such as WooCommerce.


The 404 layout type has no Location options, because it always applies to the page that appears for 404 Page Not Found errors.

CategoryLocation fieldScope fieldDescriptionLayout type
GeneralEntire siten/aApplies indiscriminately to every page of the site, including 404 pages.Header, Footer, Part
 All singularn/aApplies to all single Posts, Pages, and single custom posts. For WooCommerce, applies to single products, Cart, Checkout, My Account, but not the Shop page or product category archive pages. (Doesn't apply to archive or 404 pages.)  Header, Footer, Singular, Part
 All archivesn/aApplies to the index, Posts page, and archive pages generated by WordPress for standard Posts. Applies to the WooCommerce Shop page. See this article for definitions of the index, posts, and archives. (Doesn't apply to Pages that have Beaver Builder layouts with Posts modules.)Header, Footer, Archive, Part
 Author archivesn/aApplies to all archive pages displaying posts by single authors for Posts and CPTs that use author metadata.Header, Footer, Archive, Part
 Date archivesn/aApplies to all archive pages displaying posts by date groups for Posts and CPTs that use date metadata.Header, Footer, Archive, Part
 Search resultsn/aApplies to all pages displaying search resultsHeader, Footer, Archive, Part
 404 pagen/aApplies to the page that appears to indicate a 404 Page Not Found error.Header, Footer, Part
PostsPostAll posts or one specific PostApplies to all standard single Posts or one specified standard single Post. (Doesn't apply to custom posts, including WooCommerce products.)Header, Footer, Singular, Part
 Post CategoryAll categories or one specific post categoryApplies to all standard single Posts that belong to the category specified. (Doesn't apply to custom posts including WooCommerce products, even if the custom post uses WordPress categories. Doesn't apply to category archive pages.)Header, Footer, Singular, Part
 Post Category ParentOne specific categoryApplies to all single Posts assigned to the direct child of selected category.Header, Footer, Single, and Part
 Post tagAll tags or one specific tag you have definedApplies to all standard single Posts that are marked for the tag specified. (Doesn't apply to custom posts. Doesn't apply to tag archive pages.)Header, Footer, Singular, Part
Post archivesPost archiven/aApplies to the index, Posts page, and archive pages generated by WordPress for standard Posts. See this article for definitions of the index, posts, and archives. (Doesn't apply to CPT archives or Pages that have Beaver Builder layouts with Posts modules.)Header, Footer, Archive, Part
 Post category archiveAll categories or one specific post categoryApplies to any category archive page that displays standard Posts for the specified category. (Doesn't apply to CPT category archives, such as WooCommerce, or to CPTs that allow standard Post categories.)Header, Footer, Archive, Part
 Post tag archiveAll tags or one specific post tagApplies to any tag archive page that displays standard Posts for the specified tag. (Doesn't apply to CPT tag archives.)Header, Footer, Archive, Part
PagesPageAll pages or one specific pageApplies to any page that matches the specified location scope. For All pages, applies to the WooCommerce Cart, Checkout, and My account pages but not Shop. (Doesn't apply to any WordPress-generated archive.)Header, Footer, Singular, Part
 Page parentOne specific page that has childrenApplies to any child page whose parent is the specified page. (Doesn't apply to the parent page itself or to grandchildren of the specified page.)Header, Footer, Singular, Part
 Page ancestorOne specific page that has childrenApplies to all descendants underneath the specified ancestor page, at any level. (Doesn't apply to the ancestor page itself.)Header, Footer, Singular, Part
MediaMediaAll media or one specific media itemApplies to the page that displays the specified media item in an individual Page. (For example, the Photo module includes Photo page as a Link type selection.)Header, Footer, Singular, Part
CPT posts and archives(depends on CPT)All items or one specific itemIf you have any CPTs, including plugins, they appear as sections for single posts and archives. For example, WooCommerce appears as a Products and Product archives section. Single custom posts and product custom post archive selections work the same way as for standard posts.Matches choices for standard Posts and Archives