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Version: Beaver Themer 1.4

Event Export Links module

The Event Export Links module displays an event's two export links. One link lets you export the event to your Google Calendar, and one that exports the event into iCal format (the .ics file format).

Export Links module


The Event Export Links module appears in The Events Calendar section of the Themer modules group in the Content Panel when you're editing a Singular-type Themer layout.

Style tab​

The Style tab has four options:

  • Alignment. This setting horizontally aligns both export links you can align left, center, and right.
  • Text Color. Set the text color for the export links.
  • Background Color. Set the fill color for the module.
  • Border Radius. Set the border radius using pixel. The one value will effect all four corners.

The Advanced tab​

There are all the usual Advanced tab settings for margins, visibility, animations, and advanced HTML settings.