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Version: Beaver Themer 1.4

Event Tickets module


The Event Tickets module is available when you have The Events Calendar & Event Tickets Free/Pro plugin installed.

The Events Tickets module displays an event's ticket information and fees for any tickets created.


The Event Tickets module appears in The Events Calendar section of the Themer modules group in the Content Panel when you're editing a Singular-type Themer layout.

Style tab​

The Style tab has two settings:

  • Background Color. Set the fill color for the module.
  • Text Color. Set the text color for the export links.
  • Separator Color. Set the separator color.
  • Active Button Background Color. Set the active button background color.
  • Active Button Text Color. Set the active button text color.
  • Disabled Button Background Color. Set the disabled button background color.
  • Disabled Button Text Color. Set the disabled button text color.

The Advanced tab​

There are all the usual Advanced tab settings for margins, visibility, animations, and advanced HTML settings.