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Version: Beaver Themer 1.4

Smart Slider

The Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Smart Slider field is supported in Beaver Themer via a field connection shortcode.

Getting started​

To get started, install the Smart Slider plugin (free or pro), create your Smart Slider field in ACF and use the shortcode to display the Smart Slider field on your pages or posts. You can use the shortcode inside any module that supports HTML such as a Text or HTML module.


Here is an example of the Beaver Themer Smart Slider field connection shortcode.

[wpbb post:acf type='acf_smartslider3' name='']

The name='' attribute is where you enter your Smart Slider field name.

Options Page​

The Beaver Themer Smart Slider field connection shortcode also supports Smart Slider fields added to the ACF Options page by adding site:acf_option to the field connection shortcode.

[wpbb site:acf_option type='acf_smartslider3' name='']