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Version: Beaver Themer 1.4


The Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Group field is supported in Beaver Themer via a field connection shortcode.

Getting started​

To get started, create your Group field in ACF and add your subfields. In the shortcode, use the group name as a prefix for each subfield, separated by an underscore. For example, suppose you created a Group field with a name of mygroup and a Text subfield named mytext. Then the field name would be mgroup_mytext.


Here is an example of the Beaver Themer Group field connection shortcode to display an Image subfield.

[wpbb post:acf type='image' name='group_subfieldimage' image_size='large' display='tag']

The name='' attribute is where you enter your Group field name as a prefix for each subfield, separated by an underscore followed by your subfield name.


This example demonstrates how you can use a Repeater field inside a Group field.

[wpbb-acf-repeater name='my_group_repeater']

<p>[wpbb post:acf type='text' name='repeater_text']</p>
<img src="[wpbb post:acf type='image' name='repeater_img' image_size='large' display='url']">

  • my_group is the name of the Group field which is used as a prefix for your subfield. In this example, the subfield is the Repeater field with a name of repeater.
  • repeater_text and repeater_img are the names of your Repeater field sub-fields.

Flexible Content​

This example demonstrates how you can use a Flexible Content field inside a Group field.

[wpbb-acf-flex name='my_group_flexible']

[wpbb-acf-layout name='layout_1']

<p>[wpbb post:acf type='text' name='layout_1_text']</p>
<img src="[wpbb post:acf type='image' name='layout_1_img' image_size='large' display='url']">


  • my_group is the name of the Group field which is used as a prefix for your subfield. In this example, the subfield is the Flexible Content field with a name of flexible.
  • layout_1 is the name of your Flexible Content layout.
  • layout_1_text and layout_1_img are the names of your flexible content sub-fields.

Options Page​

The Beaver Themer Group field connection shortcode also supports Group fields added to the ACF Options page by adding site:acf_option to the field connection shortcode.

[wpbb site:acf_option type='image' name='group_subfieldimage' image_size='large' display='tag']