Expression Examples
This article provides examples of practical uses for expressions in your field connections, demonstrating how to effectively incorporate them with WordPress data, WordPress custom fields, and Advanced Custom Fields.
Below are some examples that showcase the practical use of the equals
Show Content Based on Author Nameβ
In this example, we're using the equals
operator to check whether the authors name has a specific value in this case Beaver Builder. If the statement is TRUE
, the content inside the shortcode will display. If the statement is FALSE
meaning the authors name isn't Beaver Builder, but something else, then no content will return.
[wpbb-if post:author_name exp='equals' value='Beaver Builder']
<p>This content will only display if the author name is Beaver Builder.</p>
Style elements based on Post Typeβ
In this example, the Post Type field connection is utilized to style elements based on the post type. In this example, we are styling the post title differently based on the post type when a Post module is set up to showcase multiple post types within the same module.
[wpbb-if post:post_type display='slug' exp='equals' value='post']
<h2 style="color: green;">[wpbb post:title]</h2>
<h2 style="color: black;">[wpbb post:title]</h2>
You can replace value='post'
with the slug of your chosen post type or custom post type. For instance, value='movies'
Style Specific Taxonomyβ
In this example, we're using the equals operator to check whether the post has a specific taxonomy term assigned to it called New. If the statement is TRUE
, the New tag will be styled with a red background and white text. If the statement is FALSE
meaning the post doesn't have the taxonomy term assigned, then no styling will return.
This is a great way to style specific taxonomy terms differently than others.
Tag Name: New
[wpbb-if post:terms_list taxonomy='post_tag' exp='equals' value='New']
<span style="background: red; color: white; padding: 2px 4px;">New</span>
Hide End Date for All Day Eventsβ
In this example, we're using the equals
expression to check whether the event's end date is the same day as the start date. If the statement is true
, only the start date displays. If the statement is false
meaning the start date and end date do not match, both the start date and end date display.
[wpbb-if post:the_events_calendar_start_date exp='equals' value='[wpbb post:the_events_calendar_end_date']']
<p><strong>Date:</strong> [wpbb post:the_events_calendar_start_date format='']</p>
<p><strong>Date:</strong> [wpbb post:the_events_calendar_start_date format=''] - [wpbb post:the_events_calendar_end_date format='']</p>
Not Equalsβ
Below are some examples that showcase the practical use of the notequals
Display Categories, Hide Uncategorizedβ
This example utilizes the "terms_list" field connection to display all categories assigned to a post. By using the notequals
operator, it checks for the existence of the "uncategorized" category and, if TRUE
, excludes it from displaying.
This is a great way to hide specific taxonomy terms from displaying, such as Uncategorized.
[wpbb-if post:terms_list taxonomy='category' exp='notequals' value='uncategorized']
[wpbb post:terms_list taxonomy='category' html_list='no' display='name' separator=', ' limit='' linked='yes']
Below are some examples that showcase the practical use of the contains
Display Extra Content Based on Post Titleβ
In this example, we're using the contains
operator to check whether the post title contains a specific value in this case What's New.
If the statement is TRUE
, meaning any post that has a title containing the words What's New, such as What's New in Beaver Builder 2.8, a Font Awesome icon will prefix the post title. If the statement is FALSE
meaning the post title doesn't contain What's New, then no Font Awesome icon will display.
[wpbb-if post:title exp='contains' value='Whatβs New']
<h3><i class="fa-solid fa-sparkles"></i> [wpbb post:title]</h3>
<h3>[wpbb post:title]</h3>
What's New in Beaver Builder 2.8
Below are some examples that showcase the practical use of the greater
Test for Value of ACF Number Field using Greaterβ
The following example uses the ACF number field along with the greater
operator and a comparison value of 500
. If the field value is greater than 500 then the statement is TRUE
and will return the TRUE markup in the example.
Field Value: 501
[wpbb-if post:acf type='number' name='FIELD_NAME' exp='greater' value='500']
TRUE: The ACF Number field FIELD_NAME value is greater than 500.<br>
The number field value is [wpbb post:acf type='number' name='FIELD_NAME']
FALSE: The ACF Number field FIELD_NAME value isn't greater than 500. .<br>
The number field value is [wpbb post:acf type='number' name='FIELD_NAME'].
TRUE: The ACF Number field FIELD_NAME value is greater than 500. The number field value is 501.
Greater Equalsβ
Test for Value of ACF Number Field using Greater Equalsβ
The following example uses the ACF number field along with the greaterequals
operator with a comparison value of 100
. If the field value is equal to or greater than 100 then the statement is TRUE
and will return the TRUE markup from the example.
Field Value: 100
[wpbb-if post:acf type='number' name='FIELD_NAME' exp='greaterequals' value='100']
TRUE: The ACF Number field FIELD_NAME value is equal to or greater than 100.<br>
The number field value is [wpbb post:acf type='number' name='FIELD_NAME']
FALSE: The ACF Number field FIELD_NAME value is less than 100.<br>
The number field value is [wpbb post:acf type='number' name='FIELD_NAME'].
TRUE: The ACF Number field FIELD_NAME value equal to or greater than 100. The number field value is 100.
Test for Value of ACF Number Field using Lessβ
The following example uses the ACF number field along with the less
operator with a comparison value of 100
. If the field value is less than 100 then the statement is TRUE
and will return the TRUE markup in the example.
Field Value: 50
[wpbb-if post:acf type='number' name='FIELD_NAME' exp='less' value='100']
TRUE: The ACF Number field FIELD_NAME value is less than 100.<br>
The number field value is [wpbb post:acf type='number' name='FIELD_NAME']
FALSE: The ACF Number field FIELD_NAME value isn't less than 100. .<br>
The number field value is [wpbb post:acf type='number' name='FIELD_NAME'].
TRUE: The ACF Number field FIELD_NAME value is less than 100. The number field value is 50.
Less Equalsβ
Test for value of ACF number fieldβ
The following example uses the ACF number field along with the lessequals
operator with a comparison value of 100
. If the field value is equal to or less than 100 then the statement is TRUE
and will return the TRUE markup in the example.
Field Value: 90
[wpbb-if post:acf type='number' name='FIELD_NAME' exp='lessequals' value='100']
TRUE: The ACF Number field FIELD_NAME value is equal to or less than 100.<br>
The number field value is [wpbb post:acf type='number' name='FIELD_NAME']
FALSE: The ACF FIELD_NAME field isn't equal to or less than 100. .<br>
The number field value is [wpbb post:acf type='number' name='FIELD_NAME'].
True: The ACF number_value field is equal to or less than 100. The number field value is 90.