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Version: Beaver Builder 2.8

DIY Website Builder Platform

This article explains how Beaver Builder can be used to provide page builder functionality for DIY website builder platforms using WordPress Multisite.


In general, DIY website-building platforms are SaaS (software as a service) that offer an all-in-one solution to create a website, similar to Wix or SquareSpace.

A similar platform can be created using WordPress Multisite, where each subsite on the network represents a customer site. By using Beaver Builder Ultimate or Agency licenses, you can provide page builder functionality as well as create and offer your own templates. In addition to this, you can also white label the Beaver Builder plugin and BB Theme with your own brand and logo by using the Branding options available in both the Ultimate and Agency licenses.


Although Beaver Builder Ultimate and Agency licenses may be used as part of a DIY Hosted Website Builder, we do not permit the bundling or reselling of Beaver Builder as part of a traditional hosting package.

However, if you wish to include Beaver Builder in a traditional hosting package, you may auto-install or bundle the Beaver Builder Lite version.


The Beaver Builder Ultimate and Agency licenses only provide page building features; there is no functionality for registering a customer, managing an account, or creating packages. This functionality can either be achieved through custom coding or using third-party plug-ins.


As most of the functionality is provided by WordPress Multisite and either custom code or third-party plugins, we cannot provide assistance or support in setting up DIY website builder platforms.