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Version: Beaver Builder 2.8

CSS Gradients

If you want to add a gradient to the background of a row or column, you can do so with the color gradient background options built into the rows and columns. Alternatively, if you need a gradient effect with more complexity, such as one created using a gradient generator, you can follow the steps below.

Get the CSS for your Gradient​

There are many gradient generators on the internet that generate CSS code. Here are just a few:

Once you've generated the gradient you want, copy the CSS and save it somewhere.

Add a Custom CSS Class to your Row or Column​

Adding custom styling is possible by using the unique node class name, however, we recommend that you create your own class.

  1. Open your row or column for editing and click the Advanced tab.
  2. Scroll to the HTML Element section and enter a custom name in the Class field. (Do not use a period.)

It's a best practice to add a custom prefix to your class names to avoid conflict with other class names used by the theme and plugins. In this example, we'll use the class name bb-gradient. Repeat this step for any other rows or columns that you want to have the same color gradient background.

  1. Click Save.

Add the Custom CSS for the Gradient​

Your custom CSS should use the class name you added to the row or column. Based on our bb-gradient class name example, here's what the CSS should look like.

.bb-gradient {
background-image: linear-gradient(
#231557 0%,
#44107a 29%,
#ff1361 67%,
#fff800 100%

Copy the CSS from the gradient generator and paste into your preferred location. See the Custom Code article for more information on where to place your custom CSS.


If your CSS gradient doesn't appear on your row or column, make sure that the row or column background is set to None.

As soon as you add your custom class name you should see the row or column on your page take on the background gradient color.