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Version: Beaver Themer 1.5

Flexible Content

The Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Flexible Content field is supported in Beaver Themer via a field connection shortcode.

Getting started​

To get started, create your Flexible Content field in ACF and use the shortcode to display the flexible content field on your page or posts. You can use the shortcode inside any module that supports HTML such as a Text or HTML module.


Here is an example of the Beaver Themer Flexible Content field connection shortcode, with a description below.

[wpbb-acf-flex name='my_flexible_content']

[wpbb-acf-layout name='layout']

<h3>[wpbb post:acf type='text' name='flexible_content_text']</h3>

<img src="[wpbb post:acf type='image' name='flexible_content_img' image_size='large' display='url']">


  • my_flexible_content is the name of your flexible content field.
  • layout is the name of your layout.
  • flexible_content_text, and flexible_content_img are the names of your nested fields inside your layout.

Multiple Layouts​

The Flexible Content field supports multiple layouts which allow you to use different field types. The flexible content field connection shortcode supports multiple layouts using [wpbb-acf-layout name=''] with the name='' attribute being where you enter the layouts name.

Adding Layouts​

To add a new layout to the ACF Flexible Content field, click the Add New link on the flexible content settings located in the layout section, see image below.


This example demonstrates how to use Beaver Themer conditional shortcodes with multiple layouts in your Flexible Content field.

[wpbb-acf-flex name='my_flexible_content']

[wpbb-acf-layout name='layout_1']

<h3>[wpbb post:acf type='text' name='flexible_content_text']</h3>

<img src="[wpbb post:acf type='image' name='flexible_content_img' image_size='large' display='url']">


[wpbb-acf-layout name='layout_2']

<h3>[wpbb post:acf type='text' name='flexible_content_text']</h3>

<img src="[wpbb post:acf type='image' name='flexible_content_img' image_size='large' display='url']">


  • my_flexible_content is the name of your flexible content field.
  • layout_1 and layout_2 are the names of your layouts.
  • flexible_content_text, and flexible_content_img are the names of your nested fields inside your layout.

Conditional Fields​

This example demonstrates how to use Beaver Themer conditional shortcodes with Flexible Content to handle cases when one of the fields is empty. The example code works in the case where the flexible content has a text field and image field.

[wpbb-acf-flex name='my_flexible_content']

[wpbb-acf-layout name='layout']

[wpbb-if post:acf type='text' name='flexible_content_text']

<h3>[wpbb post:acf type='text' name='flexible_content_text']</h3>


[wpbb-if post:acf type='image' name='flexible_content_img' image_size='large' display='url']

<img src="[wpbb post:acf type='image' name='flexible_content_img' image_size='large' display='url']">





This example demonstrates how you can combine a Repeater field inside a Flexible Content field.

[wpbb-acf-flex name='my_flexible_content']

[wpbb-acf-layout name='layout']

<p>[wpbb post:acf type='text' name='flexible_content_text']</p>
<img src="[wpbb post:acf type='text' name='flexible_content_img']">

[wpbb-acf-repeater name='my_repeater']

<p>[wpbb post:acf type='text' name='repeater_text']</p>
<img src="[wpbb post:acf type='image' name='repeater_img' image_size='large' display='url']">



  • my_flexible_content is the name of your Flexible Content field.
  • layout is the name of your Flexible Content layout.
  • flexible_content_text and flexible_content_img are the names of your flexible content fields.
  • my-repeater is the name of your Repeater field.
  • repeater_text and repeater_img are the names of your repeater field sub-fields.


The Flexible Content field connection shortcode supports flexible content fields assigned to the ACF Taxonomy location rule by adding type='archive' to the field connection shortcode.

[wpbb-acf-flex type='archive' name='my_flexible_content']

[wpbb-acf-layout name='layout']

<h3>[wpbb archive:acf type='text' name='flexible_content_text']</h3>

<img src="[wpbb archive:acf type='image' name='flexible_content_img' image_size='large' display='url']">



ACF Options page​

The Beaver Themer Repeater field connection shortcode also supports flexible content fields added to the ACF Options page by adding type='option' and site:acf_option to the field connection shortcode.

[wpbb-acf-flex type='option' name='my_flexible_content']

<p>[wpbb site:acf_option type='text' name='flexible_content_text']</p>
<img src="[wpbb post:acf type='image' name='flexible_content_img' image_size='large' display='url']">
