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Version: Beaver Builder 2.8

I'm not getting Beaver Builder updates

If your subscription is active and you're still not getting automatic update notices, there are several possible reasons why.

1. Didn't enter a license keyโ€‹

If you recently purchased a premium version of Beaver Builder, you might have forgotten to enter the license key. Do the following:

  1. In your WordPress installation, go to Settings > Beaver Builder and click the License tab.
  2. Enter your license key and click Save license key.
    It doesn't hurt to do this even when the license says it's active because it also solves the following problem, adding a removed domain back.

2. Domain was deactivated or removed in Domain Managerโ€‹

The solution is different depending on whether your domain was deactivated or completely removed.

Deactivated domainโ€‹

You know a domain was deactivated in Domain Manager when the License tab in Settings > Beaver Builder in your WordPress installation has the following message:

UPDATES UNAVAILABLE! Your subscription is active but this domain has been deactivated. Please reactivate this domain in your account to enable automatic updates. Visit Account ยป

See the Domain Manager article for more information.

Removed domainโ€‹

It could be that you removed a domain from Domain Manager on your My Account page on the Beaver Builder website. In this case, the license will still show as Active in Settings > Beaver Builder on your site, but the domain no longer appears in Domain Manager.

See the Domain Manager article for more information.

3. Update hasn't propagated yetโ€‹

If you've just heard there's a brand new version, it could be that the update notifications just hasn't propagated yet.

In this case, you can go to Dashboard > Update in your WordPress admin panel, and click Check for updates. If this doesn't work, you can download the update from your My Account page and install it manually by FTP, or you can simply wait a little longer.

4. Update issue in older versions of Beaver Builderโ€‹

If you're updating from a version of Beaver Builder prior to 1.8.4, there was an issue where the WordPress Updater's cache prevented an autoupdate notification. Here's how to clear the WordPress updates cache. Once you've updated to the latest version, you shouldn't have a problem any longer.

  1. On the WordPress admin panel, click Dashboard > Updates.
  2. Click the button that says either Check for Updates or Check Again.
    You may need to click this button two or three times. If the cache still hasn't cleared, wait about 5 minutes and the updates should show up properly.