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Version: Beaver Builder 2.8

WP-CLI for Beaver Builder Plugin and Theme

WP-CLI is a set of command-line tools for managing WordPress installations without using a web browser. You can perform WordPress tasks such as updating plugins and configuring multisite installs.

You can also use WP-CLI to perform certain tasks in Beaver Builder. This article describes the commands available for the Beaver Builder plugin and theme. To see a description of the Beaver Themer commands, see this article.

Accessing WP-CLI​

After you've installed WP-CLI, use SSH to access your hosting server. Navigate to the WordPress installation directory that you want to work in and enter the following command to get a list of all options:

wp beaver

The on-screen information tells you what commands are available and the syntax of each command, with options and examples.

Clear the Beaver Builder and Beaver Theme cache​

This command clears the Beaver Builder plugin cache or both the Beaver Builder plugin and Beaver Builder Theme caches:

wp beaver clearcache


  • --network
    Clears the Beaver Builder cache for all sites on a network.
  • --all
    Clears both the Beaver Builder plugin and Beaver Builder Theme caches.


Single Site​

  • Clear the Beaver Builder Plugin cache on your site.
    wp beaver clearcache

  • Reset the Beaver Theme cache on your site.
    wp beaver theme clearcache

  • If the Beaver Builder Theme is active, clear both caches. wp beaver clearcache --all


  • Clear the Beaver Builder plugin cache on all subsites of a multisite installation.
    wp beaver clearcache --network

  • Clear the Beaver Builder plugin cache and reset the Beaver Builder Theme cache on all subsites of a multisite installation. Beaver Theme must be active on the root site.
    wp beaver clearcache --network --all

Activate or deactivate the Beaver Builder license key for a domain​

The following command activates or deactivates the Beaver Builder license key and registration of the domain in your account at

wp beaver register


  • --deactivate
    Deactivates this domain at and removes the license.
  • --license
    License key value to use


  • Activate the license (substitute your license key number) and register the domain whose directory you are in:
    wp beaver register --license=01234567890

  • Activate the license when the license is defined in wp-config.php using FL_LICENSE_KEY global:
    wp beaver register

  • Deactivate the license for the domain whose directory you are in: wp beaver register --deactivate

List Beaver Builder global settings​

Returns the list of Beaver Builder global settings.

wp beaver global --list

Update a Beaver Builder global setting​

Normally you manage global settings at Tools > Global Settings in the Beaver Builder editor, but you can also change individual global settings with a WP-CLI command by using the setting's ID and assigning a new value. Here's the basic command:

wp beaver global-update


  • --id
    The ID for the global option.

  • --value
    The value for the global option.


Hide the page title for the WordPress theme you're using by changing the value of the CSS selector option in Tools > Global settings in the Beaver Builder editor.

wp beaver global-update --id=default_heading_selector --value=.fl-post-header  

This command assigns the value .fl-post-header to the CSS selector field in Tools > Global Settings.


.fl-post-header is the selector for the Beaver Builder Theme and is the default CSS selector value. Follow this article to find the selector for your theme.