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Version: Beaver Themer 1.5

Footer layout type

The Footer-type Themer layout in Beaver Themer overrides your theme's footer and footer widget area at the bottom of a page, as shown in the following diagram.

Diagram of a typical web page structure, highlighting the footer area

After you create a new Footer-typeThemer layout and launch Beaver Builder, the initial layout contains the Footer 1 layout template, shown in the following screenshot.

Screenshot of the default Themer Footer 1 layout template

There are several Themer Footer layout templates to choose from. Open the Content panel and click the Templates tab:

Screenshot of all Themer Footer layout templates

You can start with any template and modify or delete whatever you like.

Screenshot of Themer Footer 1 layout template with modules identified

The structure of the Footer 1 template is shown in the following screenshot of the Outline panel:

Outline panel for Themer Footer 1 layout template


  • Two rows, one that resembles a footer widget area but uses a Beaver Builder layout instead, and one for what's normally thought of as the footer.


In the first row:

  • The first column has a Heading module and three Icon modules.
  • The second column has a Heading module and a Text Editor module.
  • The third column has a Heading module and a Text Editor module.

In the second row, the single column has a Text Editor module, which contains the copyright symbol plus two field connection shortcodes: one for the current year and the other for the site title. If you look on the Text tab of the Text Editor module, it has the following markup:

<p style="text-align: center;">© [wpbb site:year format=Y] [wpbb site:title]. All Rights Reserved.</p>

Screenshot of Themer Footer 2 layout template with modules identifie2

The structure of the Footer 2 template is shown in the following screenshot of the Outline panel:

Outline panel for Themer Footer 2 layout template


  • One row with two column layers, with three columns in the first column layer and two columns in the second.


In the first column layer:

  • A Photo module pointing to the site logo image in the Media Library. The Link type setting is None.
  • Icon Group module
  • Subscribe Form module

In the second column layer:

  • Text editor module If you want to insert a copyright year that dynamically supplies the current year, see the Themer Footer 1 template.
  • A Menu module There are some custom margins set on the Advanced tab and custom padding set in various sections on the Style tab.

Screenshot of Themer Footer 3 layout template with modules identified

The structure of the Footer 3 template is shown in the following screenshot of the Outline panel:

Outline panel for Themer Footer 3 layout template


  • One row with three column layers and two or more columns in each layer, as described below.


In the first column layer, there are two columns:

  • Column 1: Photo module pointing to the site logo image in the Media Library. The Link type setting is None.
  • Column 2: Subscribe Form module

In the second column layer, there are four columns:

  • Column 1:
    • Heading module
    • Menu module
  • Column 2:
    • Heading module
    • Menu module
  • Column 3:
    • Heading module
    • Posts module
  • Column 4:
    • Heading module
    • Text editor module
    • Icon Group module

In the third column layer, there are two columns:

  • Text Editor module Tip: If you want to insert a copyright year that dynamically supplies the current year, see the Themer Footer 1 template.
  • Menu module There are some custom margins set on the Advanced tab and custom padding set in various sections on the Style tab.

Screenshot of Themer Footer 4 layout template with modules identifie2

The structure of the Footer 4 template is shown in the following screenshot of the Outline panel:

Outline panel for Themer Footer 4 layout template


  • One row with two column layers, as described below.


The first column layer has three columns:

  • Column 1:
    • A Photo module pointing to the site logo image in the Media Library. The Link type setting is None.
    • Text Editor module
    • Icon Group module
  • Column 2:
    • Heading module
    • Menu module
  • Column 3:
    • Heading module
    • Text Editor module

The second column layer has two columns:

  • Column 1: Text editor module If you want to insert a copyright year that dynamically supplies the current year, see the Themer Footer 1 template.
  • Column 2: Menu module There are some custom margins set on the Advanced tab and custom padding set in various sections on the Style tab.

Screenshot of Themer Footer 5 layout template with modules identifie2

The structure of the Footer 5 template is shown in the following screenshot of the Outline panel:

Outline panel for Themer Footer 5 layout template


  • One row with two column layers, as described below.


The first column layer has three columns:

  • Column 1:
    • A Photo module pointing to the site logo image in the Media Library. The Link type setting is None.
    • Text Editor module
    • Icon Group module
  • Column 2:
    • Heading module
    • Menu module
  • Column 3:
    • Heading module
    • Contact Form module

The second column layer has two columns:

  • Column 1: Text editor module If you want to insert a copyright year that dynamically supplies the current year, see the Themer Footer 1 template.
  • Column 2: Menu module There are some custom margins set on the Advanced tab and custom padding set in various sections on the Style tab.

Edit Themer Layout settings​

The Edit Themer layout screen has the following settings for Footer layouts:

Themer Footer layout overlay example