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Version: Beaver Builder 2.9

Disable minification and caching with WP_DEBUG

It is a best practice to set WP_DEBUG to true during development to catch errors that might not otherwise show. Setting WP_DEBUG to true in your wp-config.php file will have the following effects:

  • The compiled css/js files that are normally stored in the /uploads/bb-plugin/cache directory will be unminified and regenerated on every page load.
  • It will disable minification and concatenation of the core UI files in the /plugins/bb-plugin/js/_ and /plugins/bb-plugin/css/* directories.

By default, WP_DEBUG is set to false in wp-config.php.

To change the WP_DEBUG setting:

  1. In the main WordPress directory for your site, open wp-config.php for editing.

  2. Search for WP_DEBUG and change the setting to true, as follows:

    define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );

This is especially useful during the development of custom modules. The CSS and JavaScript for the current layout will be refreshed on each page load instead of cached, as it is by default.

When WP_DEBUG is set to false, all of the core UI files in the /plugins /bb-plugin/js/ and /plugins/bb-plugin/css/ directories will be minified and concatenated into fl-builder.min.css and fl-builder.min.js.


Alternatively, you can use the fl_is_debug filter which performs the same as setting WP_DEBUG to true. Simply add the snippet below to your child theme's functions.php file.

add_filter( 'fl_is_debug', '__return_true' );